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Tradition and Custom

21 Apr, 2014

There is peerless and matchless excitement when one steps out draped in cloth that bears a remarkable heritage. Custom suits for many wearers may reflect the transformation that began from the Savile Row custom of crafting perfectly matching and fitting suits for the newly rich and moneyed middle class of post industrial England. Tradition always renders that remarkable glow of pride and upscale appreciation of the trends that command respect, full fan following and the impact of the present generation patronage. There are certain highlights and transformations that the present day tailor made suit has undergone that warrant a special mention and revisit. What makes the custom suit so popular and command such high following.

Highlights and Transformations



Coats from the earlier avatar like; lounge coats, frock coats, sack types, loose fits and round bottoms have seen tremendous shift of character and stance. Modern coats epitomize proper fit and precise measurements of the wearer’s statistics. These modern coats with an upscale definition of elegance have an integral mélange of quality colorful fabrics made from the finest from the finest mills around the world. With all the works of modernity like fully functional sleeves, luxurious inner lining, slim and classic cuts they exude anew character of the present generation.


Eclectic appeal of pleats with an emphasis on the right tone and correct alignment from the seam seemed an integral part of old pants. Transformation and shift in pant design brought emphasis on features that were hitherto expected part of the classic look. Flat fronts, cuff less hems and pocket styles and belt hoop sizes have seen wide ranging adjustment that make today’s suits more suitable for the metro man of today.


Most significant part of the custom suit has always been the tie that brings sartorial definition. Characteristic of old custom dress fashion of the 17th and 20th century were ties in a various shades of color, forms and knots. The 17th century cravats that King Louis XIII of France admired on the Croatian mercenaries the tie today looks far much more different in shape and size. Solid colors, fine fabrics great textural transformation coupled with combination look of the pocket square and bold cuts have endeared this piece of clothing to the custom suit.


Shirts are the epitome of custom suits personality gaining attraction for the overall ensemble. They bring in the aspect of the suits caliber and make as they exude life. Solid stripes, squares, emotive plains and dull colors and thick cotton fabrics have given way to refined soft and fine draping cotton prints. Sartorial elegance is true work of constant innovation.